Our Services

Services &
Areas of Expertise

HTI offers many services based on your needs or the needs of your institution. Below is a sample of some of the resources and services we offer which will be customized to best serve you. All services are available in person and online.

All while using, the wounded healer model and curriculum, this retreat is designed to provide wounded healers the needed tools and skills to combat burnout and start a journey of healing

challenge, rehabilitate, or dismantle toxic systems and build systems that care

using Untangled model and curriculum, trauma survivors will learn how to break the toxic cycles of trans-generational trauma and take better care of themselves and their loved ones

Dr. Reda will train your team on how to conduct intra- and inter-faith, intra- and inter-cultural, intra- and inter-group dialogue with the goal of building trust through opening communication channels that bring people to "the table" where different viewpoints could be discussed without the need for violence or conflict

design materials that help build capacity and literacy through psychosocial education

Dr. Reda helped many NGOs and organizations like WHO and the UN to build resources and services

build programs that teach youth the necessary skills to thrive

learn how to honor the language and culture of your clients so they can trust the services you provide

Dr. Reda teach healing tools from the Quran and Sunnah

those include, but not limited to, teachers, parents, community and faith leaders, first responders, and all those serving on the frontlines and acting as the glue that holds their families and communities together

Dr. Reda uses play and art activities to bring safety to the family unit which is the foundation of a healthy society

Dr. Reda will provide tips on how to engage beauty, justice, and the trauma story to bring healing to trauma survivors

If you would like to learn more or have any questions please contact us

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